famos restaurant

Travel more.

People who travel regularly are, on average, 7 percent happier than others. If you’re thinking about launching an unusual restaurant, you have a good chance of joining the ranks of the “lucky” ones. Travel literally headlong, visit different cities and continents, and everywhere, of course, go to restaurants. And eat, eat, eat! For example, in seven days in Dubai, my team and I visit up to 15 restaurants, try all the menus, collect impressions and collect flavors. Only in this way, and this is my deep conviction, can you develop an indispensable quality for a restaurateur – observation (or visual taste), without which, alas, there is no chance to launch a non-standard project. Follow the trends in the global food industry non-stop. This is the only way to understand what the market already offers guests around the world, and thus have a chance to say a new word.

You should not be afraid of borrowing (of course, creative). For example, the launch of a very unconventional immersive restaurant inspired the Sublimotion project in Ibiza. Also in Dubai, there is a restaurant Opa, where guests are offered to beat plates according to the Greek custom. This kind of reception will definitely add a zest to the project. I recently spent a week in Georgia myself to walk through the best restaurants, see the interiors, talk to people. I think I will be able to create the perfect menu in a future Georgian restaurant.