The Story

Create not a restaurant, but… The Story

Things with a story sell better, and more and more companies are using storytelling techniques in business. Why not adopt the technique? Remember, he who knows how to tell a story rules the world, in our case, the gastronomy world.

Try to “turn on” storytelling at different stages. So, every dish on the menu can get its unique story – from the circumstances of creation to the order of mixing the ingredients. Tell it the waiter at the stage of choice by the guest or when serving – it’s your choice. The main thing is to make sure that the guests “ate” the dish with their ears before they take up the cutlery.

“Telling” the story can be the whole space of the restaurant: thanks to the design concept it can be turned into a bold octopus cave (did not remind you of Fish Fetish?), though in a cozy apartment of “Good girl”, whom you dropped in for dinner. The key is to create details that will anchor your guests, like a diary-style menu with notes in the margins. And, of course, the story doesn’t have to end. So, summer comes to an end, and the good girls return from their travels, such as from Capri, where they brought back memories of tiramisu, lemons, hand-painted…